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The Da Vinci Code Book Review


I believe that it is only proper that I divulge into the reason as to why I chose to read such a masterpiece. Over more than a year ago, I gave this so-called controversial book as a gift to someone very special in my life. Throughout last summer, said-someone used to speak quite frequently about The Da Vinci Code and in so doing I was leered towards it.


The Da Vinci Code is a canvas filled with words that make up sentences that make up a story. And a very good one at that. It is a piece of art filled with several references to other artworks. Culture fills the lines of this book. Art. History. Religious Symbology. The plot, so cleverly put together, however, I shall not reveal. I will leave it up to the reader to discover the marvels of the story line by simply reading it.


With regards to those individuals who dismiss it as controversial, what they are not keeping in mind is that this is a work of fiction. Strong emphasis on fiction. One needs to be able to decipher what is real from what is fictitious. If anything, speaking from my personal experience, this book made me raise some questions about certain historical facts. This only encouraged me to research more and find out if what the book is saying is actually true. Hence, it is not only a good as well as a somewhat easy read due to its simplistic vocabulary but it also contributes to enhancing your knowledge. As Socrates once said, knowledge is a virtue. 


With all of that said, the aim of this concise book review was to encourage readers to give  The Da Vinci Code a try. I want to motivate readers to go even further than that and do their own research when the book will instill a certain confusion regarding what is real and what is not. The beauty of reading a book extends beyond merely reading. It incorporates analyzing and research in order to get a full and proper understanding. 


Sarah Bugeja @ 2021



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